Footwork, Jumping & Diving

Place the agility ladder diagonally facing the goal so that it ends about 1/3 of the way across the goal. Place a hurdle approximately 2/3 of the way across the goal pointing up the pitch.

The goalkeeper should start at the furthest end of the agility ladder (1), making their way into the goal as quickly as possible without touching the ladder as they do. Once they reach the end of the ladder the coach should serve a high ball that the goalkeeper can catch or tip over the bar (2). After discarding the ball the goalkeeper should jump over the hurdle (3) and immediately transition into a dive. The coach should serve a ball for the goalkeeper to save so getting the timing right will take some practice. The coach should stand roughly 7 to 10 metres away when serving the ball and should put some speed on the ball.

Repeat this exercise 6 to 10 times in a single set.

Change It Up
You could introduce the following changes to increase the complexity and challenge of this drill:

  • Add additional hurdles or cones
  • Include some catching and throwing after each jump

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